On Wednesday, November 15, the Ashford Historical Society in partnership with the Babcock Library, will host author and historian Marty Podskoch who will give a Power Point presentation on the 90th Anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps and its work in CT. Mr. Podskoch’s talk will be held in Knowlton Hall. Doors open at 6:30pm.

Marty Podskoch is a retired teacher and the author of 11 books: Adirondack Civilian Conservation Corps Camps: Their History, Memories and Legacy of the CCC; Fire Towers of the Catskills: Their History and Lore, Adirondack Fire Towers: Their History and Lore, the Southern Districts; Adirondack Fire Towers: Their History and Lore, the Northern Districts, Adirondack Stories: Historical Sketches; 101 More Adirondack Stories: Historical Sketches; The Adirondack 102 Club: Your Passport & Guide to the North Country. He also writes a weekly column called “Adirondack Stories,” in five Adirondack newspapers. He has written three travel books: The Adirondack 102 Club, The Connecticut 169 Club and the Rhode Island 39 Club. Marty and his wife Lynn raised their three children in an old farmhouse on the West Branch of the Delaware River in Delhi, NY where he taught 7th grade Reading. He and his wife now live on Lake Pocotopaug in East Hampton, Conn. He is presently gathering information on the CCC camps in VT & MA for future books. Podskoch is keenly interested in meeting individuals who may have CCC stories and photos to contribute to his next book. Those that have information should contact him at 860-267-2442 or podskoch@comcast.net